Lunes, Enero 15, 2018

Float Therapy Reviews: Benefits, Cost And Tank Locations Near Me

Float therapy is a luxurious and effective way to de-stress and ease your mind and body. The process gives you the silence you need, so you can find your way back to your old self who is healthy, happy and peaceful.

Living in the most fast-paced generation the world has ever been, anxiety and stress can get the better of everyone. It is no wonder that more and more people are seeking out complementary and alternative therapies that would bring the focus back to holistic care and mental health.

Often mistaken as a new age technique, float tank therapy has been around for more than 60 years and it will not be disappearing anytime soon. It is one of the most reliable and best therapies that alternative medicine has to offer. The whole process involves isolation from elements within a sensory deprivation tank to give you the opportunity for complete calmness and relaxation.

If you haven’t tried a float spa yet, you will soon understand why you need one. Read on to understand why more and more people are choosing this relaxation treatment today.


What is Float Therapy?

Float therapy is a form of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST). When a person has been bombarded with stimuli, the senses experience and overload that the brain cannot keep up with the process.

This results in irritation, anxiety, and stress. This can also lead to high blood pressure, mental disorders, overeating and obesity, among other things. When you are feeling any of these, you should consider a float pod therapy.This particular therapy is a luxurious way to soothe and heal your body from stress and pressure.

An isolation float tank, also known as a sensory deprivation chamber, is filled with 6 to 10 inches of clean water and 800-1000 pounds of Epsom salt. That is why some people also refer it to as Epsom salt float therapy. The water is warmed to skin temperature or around 34 to 35.5 degrees Celsius.

Once the tank is set up and ready, you may put on your earbuds and enter the tank naked. It is highly recommended to fully close the hatch of the door behind you to block out the light and sounds from the world outside. You may start to float from there on.

Float Therapy Benefits

Indulging in an hour of floatation therapy will give your body a myriad of benefits. One of the best float therapy benefits that you will experience is the effects of weightlessness in a zero gravity tank environment. The brain is freed from balancing your body constantly to keep up with the pull of gravity while also processing all external stimuli, thus freeing it from 90% percent of activity.

The brain is then able to focus inwards. You start to feel the effects only achieved through advanced meditation without much effort. This state of mind is optimal for introspection, creativity, problem-solving, and learning. It will continue days after your session.

The sense of calm enables the pituitary glands to release what we call the “happy” hormones. The release of cortisol and adrenaline is regulated. This is a lot of help for people suffering from mental disorders, pain, and hypertension.

📌Your body’s internal environment starts to stabilize and allows itself to heal the parts that need attention. If there are parts that cannot be healed within a single session, the body adjusts to it so that it may continue to run at the best possible scenario despite the circumstance. People with degenerative diseases will have hope of feeling better.

Float therapy offers a lot of benefits. It helps improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

How Does Float Therapy Work?

It is natural for people to lie down and curl up in a ball to feel a sense of comfort and security. This stems back from our time in our mother’s womb, where we are curled up and floated in amniotic fluid. When you float in a water tank, you experience this same sense of calmness without the distraction of the external world.

Barring all stimuli and gravity, 90% of the brain’s activity is dropped and it can now freely focus inwardly. Once a person is partially submerged and loses contact with the outside world, the brain is temporarily startled due to the lack of stimulants. This is why for the first few minutes, you may experience a state of panic and confusion but the mind is quick to adapt and will begin to generate stimulation from within.

From the state of Alpha waves, the brain is further relaxed into the state of Theta waves. Alpha waves are the frequency the brain works at during our waking moments when the brain is relaxed but isn’t processing any information. Theta waves are achieved during light sleep or very extreme relaxation; and are commonly used for hypnosis and self-programming.

You may experience some pleasant hallucinations from the activity that your brain is generating. Some examples are calming music and dancing lights. You may also start dreaming or recalling pleasant memories. Due to the weightlessness of the body and nothing that can be touched, you may lose a sense of where your limbs are.

This method of relaxation allows you to boost your creativity and engage in a deep meditative state, regardless of your deep meditation experience. In addition, it can enhance your concentration, improve your sleeping patterns and aid your phobias and addictions.

Once the mind and body are completely relaxed, the brain is able to fully sync which each of its physiological layers. The pituitary gland is able to release a good amount of dopamine and endorphins. The body’s internal environment or homeostasis finds the perfect balance and lets all the organs work in harmony.

Float Therapy Reviews

Every one of us wants a feel-good experience, do you agree? That’s exactly what you will get after an Epsom salt float therapy. In fact, there are a number of positive reviews about this and you are about to read some of it below.

Pretty sure the good reviews have piqued your interest. Don’t worry because we will help you find the float spa therapy centers near you and give you an overview how much is float therapy.

Float Therapy Cost

In 2011, there were only 85 listed float centers in the US. It skyrocketed to more than 300 by the year 2015 when people accepted and experienced the benefits of floating therapy. This caused the price of float therapy to go down in places that have more centers and spas dedicated to floating.

The cost of float tank therapy per session depends on the facility you visit and the duration. Most spas offer discounts from 20% to 50% off of the price of their first float. The succeeding regular sessions may run about $30 to $150 each. Once you decide that float therapy is for you, you may even avail of a spa membership to get highly discounted prices for the year or for a lifetime.

Float Therapy Locations Near Me

You are most probably already asking yourself this question, “is there a float therapy spa near me?”

Don’t worry because float spas and float centers have popped up all over the United States and you may even have more than one in your hometown! In fact, due to the growth of float therapy centers, they are competing for lesser prices and better facilities.

However, there are a few states that floating therapy have not officially penetrated to date. These are Delaware, Mississipi, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Wyoming. Travelling to the next state can be arranged personally.

For those looking for the nearest float spa, you can check our float tank therapy near me page.

In case you want to float at home than travel in another state, setting up your home float tank is possible. There are already a lot of DIY float tanks to date.


By trying out float tank therapy, you will be opening yourself up to a whole world of benefits that you have not previously experienced. Floating in a pod filled with saltwater and void of any stressors will allow your body and mind more freedom.

📌If you find that you are not getting optimal results from your current routine, you should try saltwater meditation tanks. Our bodies do not have replaceable parts and they can only regenerate at a limited rate, it is best to take care of it now. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

Why would you deprive yourself the chance of getting the best care there is when it is already available? Invest in the quality of your life now, try float therapy!


The post Float Therapy Reviews: Benefits, Cost And Tank Locations Near Me appeared first on Float Tank.

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