Huwebes, Enero 18, 2018

7 Benefits of Float Tank Therapy

Floating therapy is a simple health remediation that many can benefit from. The whole body will experience many wonderful changes that will improve one’s life. Read on to know more about how floating therapy makes these happen.


Float Tank Benefits

Each new decade brings about advancements in medical science and technology. With tons of research and studies being conducted, people have fully surrendered their trust in modern science and have turned their backs on the simplistic cures and heals from the past.

During the start of this decade, more and more people are turning to complementary and alternative medicine without the stigma that was formerly attached to it.

According to surveys, psychological stress is one big contributor and people want to feel like they have control again over their own mind and body by being able to do something to aid their own healing.

Now that it is gaining a second foothold in popular culture, more and more scientists and researchers are conducting float therapy research and studies on the floatation therapy side effects to the overall wellbeing.

📌Under Michael Hutchison’s book, The Book of Floating: Exploring the Private Sea, the evidence for the benefits experienced by floaters is grouped into seven interrelated explanation.

We will talk about these seven float tank benefits and see how it works as a holistic therapy for you. At the end of this article, you will understand why float therapy benefits everyone, regardless of current health and age.

1. Benefits of Floating in Epsom Salts

Due to the massive amount of Epsom salt in the water, your resting body will achieve perfect buoyancy. One of the biggest benefits of floating in Epsom salts and water is the feeling of weightlessness or zero-gravity.

Gravity is pretty useful, but our brain spends a major amount of time controlling and balancing the body against its pull. It is especially hard for people with poor posture, obesity, and other muscular, skeletal and nervous conditions.

When the brain is freed from such big task, it is able to exert more effort into dealing with other internal matters. For people suffering from postural, muscular, and skeletal problems, this will provide relief and correction. With continuous therapy, these disorders may be corrected and the effects will be long-lasting.

2. Float Tank Solutions for Easy and Effective Meditation

Our brain produces four different kinds of frequency waves depending on our level of mental activity. Theta waves are achieved during light sleep or relaxation and are a very elusive state to be in.

It is the state when the brain is unshackled from conventional thinking and is at a state most conducive for vivid memories and mental images, hypnosis, creativity and free association, accelerated learning, and serenity.

Previously, to keep yourself awake during the theta wave production, you must have already perfected the art of meditation through years of practice. While floating, you create theta waves that allow you to completely relax, find calm, and think introspectively. It trains you to meditate effectively which can be useful when you face the world outside.

3. Sensory Deprivation Unites Left Brain and Right Brain

Due to several external stimuli that have to be processed by the analytical left brain in small details, the creative right brain is seemingly drowned out that it struggles to process large scale details from visual and spatial input. When the senses are cut off from stimuli coming from everywhere, the right brain is given a chance to come out and let the creative juices flow.

Everyone is faced with dilemmas every now and then, but a big number of us are not able to see the big picture objectively. When the two parts are balanced, this gives way to introspection and objective thinking. This makes it easier for you to solve problems or come up with ideas.

4. Sensory Deprivation Keeps Three Layers of Brain Harmonious

Researcher Paul Maclean theorized that the human brain has three physiological layers. The reptile or lizard brain is in charge of self-preservation and desire for reproduction.

The iambic system or visceral brain is the next layer that is in charge of our emotions. The last layer is the neo-cortex or the thinking cap which is the center of cognition.

All three layers ideally overlap but there are instances when communication and coordination among the third layer and the first two are lacking or misguided. It was, however, found that there are certain instances when the three layers work in harmony when there is an increased internal awareness and decreased physical stimuli. This level of internal awareness is one of the floatation therapy side effects.

Having both sides or all three layers of the brain sync up is one of the many sensory deprivation tank benefits that would help not only people suffering from psychological stress. The calming and stress-free effect continues long after each session and makes you learn and perform better in each aspect of your life.

5. Float Therapy Regulates Neurochemicals

Our pituitary gland which is at the base of the brain produces hormones that control our emotions and other bodily functions. When you are floating, there is a significant increase in endorphins that is responsible for reducing the pain you feel, giving you a euphoric high, and is also a natural sedative.

Float therapy also regulates the production and release of hormones that may contribute to the development of diseases when there is a surplus or shortage in the bloodstream.

📌People who are going through and suffering from mental disorders are found to have an imbalance in neurochemicals. This will be very beneficial to them especially if they are going through depression, mania, intrusive thoughts, and confusion.

The release of cortisol is also decreased which is very good because it has been found that a stressed person has an unusual amount of this hormone and is a contributor to diseases such as hypertension and heart problems.

6. Floatation Therapy as Biofeedback

As a living being, your body has hundreds of physiological functions that are involuntary and will continue to function with or without your conscious thought. Biofeedback starts by gaining awareness of the different physiological functions in our body and the parts that directly involved. Once you have gained that awareness, you may be able to gain control and manipulate them at will.

Biofeedback is a common therapeutic technique for migraines, chronic pains, stroke and accident survivors, and hypertension. It usually involves a contraption or device that will help you send electrical signals from the brain to the targeted parts until you are able to do it on your own. An isolation tank is one such contraption and could be the best one out there because it involves the whole body.

📌When you are in complete isolation, you can tune in to your body parts and recognize how they respond to certain floating meditation techniques such as paced breathing, deep breathing, or controlled movements. Since commanding your body to take over involuntary functions is a difficult feat without modern contraptions, floating therapy serves as a sort of training ground for physiological manipulation.

You can regulate your breathing which is beneficial for hypertension, chronic pain, and anxiety. You may also try some physical therapy tricks while in the water and weightless to target parts and limbs that have not been cooperating with your body due to an accident, deterioration, or disorders.

7. Floating Therapy Creates Homeostasis

External factors such as pollution, temperature, overstimulation, and lifestyle can put your body in a very unstable condition. Inside our body is an environment that is kept smoothly running by its own homeostasis.

Homeostasis is the series of body-regulating functions that adjusts everything to maintain your survival. If thrown off-balance, it could lead to illness and disease, or some other fatal condition.

Once in complete isolation inside the sensory deprivation chamber, your body will only adjust to its internal environment as there are no perceived external threats. This allows the body to immediately detect which parts need repair, and the rest is able to function in a relaxed internal environment.


Floating offers a number of health benefits for you. It can improve your physical, mental and emotional state. If you are seeking to improve yourself when it comes to calmness and creativity, this relaxation therapy is for you.

Now that you have learned about the benefits and what it does for your body, you can schedule your first float therapy session with great confidence that you will come out refreshed and rejuvenated. You can check more of our site for float tanks for sale and float tank cost.


The post 7 Benefits of Float Tank Therapy appeared first on Float Tank.

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