Sabado, Enero 20, 2018

Ocean Float Rooms Review – Superior Floating Experience

Ocean Float Rooms are a different type of float tank that you should be aware of. In this section, you will learn about float rooms, the Ocean Float Room brand, its design, features, and price.

What is a Float Room?

You may be wondering how a float room differs from a float tank or float pod. The difference is that it is a chamber room with much larger space than a tank.

📌It is designed to accommodate a person when standing up and for floating freely without hitting any walls. With float room therapy, you can start and continue with a feeling of freedom without crouching from start to finish. A float tank room is the perfect solution if you are claustrophobic.

Since it is bigger, you can expect that it may cost more than the usual float tank and it will have an external and dedicated pump, filtration and heating system. A float room cost will typically run around $30,000 to $100,000. Float room manufacturers have made these for commercial use but big home owners are now interested in float rooms for sale.

Ocean Float Rooms Design

Ocean Float Rooms are completely customizable. Perhaps that is one of the biggest pull the brand has for people willing to pay for their float rooms. If you have the money to spend on an ocean float, why not make it as personalized as possible, right?

For the exterior of your float room, you may choose from a variety of 20 wood veneer panels that they offer. If you wish for a more “you” look, you may ask for a bespoke finish using other materials such as plexiglass, tiles, and marbles in the original design and color that you want.

The interiors may be fully customized as well with appropriate materials that you wish to be used. Some interiors will even have lighting or paintings to resemble constellations, spaceships, or a modern museum. No matter what design or material is used, Ocean floats follow a strict manufacturing process and specifications to ensure that it will last 25 years at the least.

📌It is completely up to you which room in your home or building you would like your float room made, the size and shape of the room will not be a problem. It is strongly recommended that the room have access to warm water for filling up and top-ups.

It is also recommended that the room has good insulation and do not have any windows at all but it can be remedied if it is the opposite. Each float room is insulated inside and outside of 4 inches of select and quality sound and thermal insulating materials.

Once you have chosen a room, you would have to decide which walls will be considered the exterior. A small space will not be made part of the float room to serve as a sort of preparation area. The extra space outside of the actual float room may be used as a lounge area, a shower room, or bathroom.

Rooms that measure 4.5m x 2m can have a float room, shower and changing area. It will have an end door entry and a shower area with depth of 36’. If the room is much larger than this size, it may have even more luxury and amenities depending on what you decide or what the Ocean Floats suggest.

A smaller room of about 3m x 3m can still have its own changing area and shower. It will have a side door entry. If the room is much smaller than this, you do not have to worry because it can still be modified into a float room.

The side opening door is very big and you do not need to crouch to enter and exit the float room as compared to float tanks. This is favorable to people with less mobility. Grab handles are also placed inside the room.

The heating and ventilation in Ocean Float Rooms is superb. During a float, the low-temperature air from outside is pulled in to replace the warmer air. The water is then constantly and automatically adjusted to match skin temperature. The maintenance-free heater even eliminates electro-magnetic radiation which can be harmful to the body in the long run.

Standard Features

  • Large Side-Opening Door
  • Twin Underwater LED Lights
  • Lifetime Heater
  • One-touch Digital Control Unit
  • Surround Sound System and Amplifiers
  • Deep Clean Filtration System
  • Thermal and Sound Insulation
  • Call Button System
  • Electrically-Protected Main Control Panel
  • CE Certification
  • Initial Starter Kit (includes cleaners, testers, chemicals, etc.)

Optional Add-ons

  • UV and Peroxide Sanitation System
  • Starlight Ceiling
  • Dual Lighting Control
  • Cathedral Float Room Design (adjust the float room ceiling to the full height of the room that contains it)

Pros and Cons

One of the advantages of the Ocean Float Room is that it is fully customizable and they will work on what you currently have. If your room is smaller than the average, they may still be able to make a float room plan and make it to reality.

Having your float room made and installed on-site allows for inspection and you may even ask them to make adjustments should there be any problem with leakage or such during the testing period. You do not need a separate room or space for plumbing, heating and filtration.

📌The float room itself and the room in which is contained in is kept simple as possible to make it 73% easier to clean and sanitize. The float room exterior is sealed with silicone. The magnetic drive filtration pump cleans the water 4 times while you shower, which makes it comparably cleaner than float tanks which will only filter and sterilize twice.

If you are planning to have an Ocean Float Room for commercial use, the company provides a personalized training on how to run a float center business. They will also offer continuous customer care and support whether you are a residential or a commercial float room owner in the US or abroad.

One of the biggest cons is that you will not get an exact Ocean Float Room cost by browsing online. For the ocean float room price you will have to personally email them with your preferences and your room size so that you may be able to work out the design, features, and total cost.

One of the other reasons why float rooms are more expensive is because they are constructed in your home or your establishment. They cannot just be shipped over and installed all on your own. Since the construction will be following strict company and safety guidelines, it will take more than a few days to finish.

The warranty on an Ocean Float Room is also not expressly mentioned in their website and the query may only be answered when you contact them directly.

Ocean Float Room Price

The base price for an Ocean Float Room is $32,000. It will start to increase depending on the size of the room and the features that you want to add in for customization. The more unique or modern the float tank room is, the more costly it is.

Depending on the frequency of use, operational and maintenance cost will be around $50 to $130 per month. That is quite low relative to the Ocean Float Room system that is in place. If you will be getting into commercial use, this is an advantage that you would like to have than when using other brands.


An Ocean Float Room is a very good choice for people who can afford to pay for it. If you are a person who values personalization along with quality, a float room from this brand should be on the top of your wish list. The comfort it provides during floating and the simplicity of its operation is another one of the biggest factors that sway buyers to consider Ocean Float Rooms for their home and their business.

If you want to check out other brands and their different models, you may check out our other float tank reviews.


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Huwebes, Enero 18, 2018

7 Benefits of Float Tank Therapy

Floating therapy is a simple health remediation that many can benefit from. The whole body will experience many wonderful changes that will improve one’s life. Read on to know more about how floating therapy makes these happen.


Float Tank Benefits

Each new decade brings about advancements in medical science and technology. With tons of research and studies being conducted, people have fully surrendered their trust in modern science and have turned their backs on the simplistic cures and heals from the past.

During the start of this decade, more and more people are turning to complementary and alternative medicine without the stigma that was formerly attached to it.

According to surveys, psychological stress is one big contributor and people want to feel like they have control again over their own mind and body by being able to do something to aid their own healing.

Now that it is gaining a second foothold in popular culture, more and more scientists and researchers are conducting float therapy research and studies on the floatation therapy side effects to the overall wellbeing.

📌Under Michael Hutchison’s book, The Book of Floating: Exploring the Private Sea, the evidence for the benefits experienced by floaters is grouped into seven interrelated explanation.

We will talk about these seven float tank benefits and see how it works as a holistic therapy for you. At the end of this article, you will understand why float therapy benefits everyone, regardless of current health and age.

1. Benefits of Floating in Epsom Salts

Due to the massive amount of Epsom salt in the water, your resting body will achieve perfect buoyancy. One of the biggest benefits of floating in Epsom salts and water is the feeling of weightlessness or zero-gravity.

Gravity is pretty useful, but our brain spends a major amount of time controlling and balancing the body against its pull. It is especially hard for people with poor posture, obesity, and other muscular, skeletal and nervous conditions.

When the brain is freed from such big task, it is able to exert more effort into dealing with other internal matters. For people suffering from postural, muscular, and skeletal problems, this will provide relief and correction. With continuous therapy, these disorders may be corrected and the effects will be long-lasting.

2. Float Tank Solutions for Easy and Effective Meditation

Our brain produces four different kinds of frequency waves depending on our level of mental activity. Theta waves are achieved during light sleep or relaxation and are a very elusive state to be in.

It is the state when the brain is unshackled from conventional thinking and is at a state most conducive for vivid memories and mental images, hypnosis, creativity and free association, accelerated learning, and serenity.

Previously, to keep yourself awake during the theta wave production, you must have already perfected the art of meditation through years of practice. While floating, you create theta waves that allow you to completely relax, find calm, and think introspectively. It trains you to meditate effectively which can be useful when you face the world outside.

3. Sensory Deprivation Unites Left Brain and Right Brain

Due to several external stimuli that have to be processed by the analytical left brain in small details, the creative right brain is seemingly drowned out that it struggles to process large scale details from visual and spatial input. When the senses are cut off from stimuli coming from everywhere, the right brain is given a chance to come out and let the creative juices flow.

Everyone is faced with dilemmas every now and then, but a big number of us are not able to see the big picture objectively. When the two parts are balanced, this gives way to introspection and objective thinking. This makes it easier for you to solve problems or come up with ideas.

4. Sensory Deprivation Keeps Three Layers of Brain Harmonious

Researcher Paul Maclean theorized that the human brain has three physiological layers. The reptile or lizard brain is in charge of self-preservation and desire for reproduction.

The iambic system or visceral brain is the next layer that is in charge of our emotions. The last layer is the neo-cortex or the thinking cap which is the center of cognition.

All three layers ideally overlap but there are instances when communication and coordination among the third layer and the first two are lacking or misguided. It was, however, found that there are certain instances when the three layers work in harmony when there is an increased internal awareness and decreased physical stimuli. This level of internal awareness is one of the floatation therapy side effects.

Having both sides or all three layers of the brain sync up is one of the many sensory deprivation tank benefits that would help not only people suffering from psychological stress. The calming and stress-free effect continues long after each session and makes you learn and perform better in each aspect of your life.

5. Float Therapy Regulates Neurochemicals

Our pituitary gland which is at the base of the brain produces hormones that control our emotions and other bodily functions. When you are floating, there is a significant increase in endorphins that is responsible for reducing the pain you feel, giving you a euphoric high, and is also a natural sedative.

Float therapy also regulates the production and release of hormones that may contribute to the development of diseases when there is a surplus or shortage in the bloodstream.

📌People who are going through and suffering from mental disorders are found to have an imbalance in neurochemicals. This will be very beneficial to them especially if they are going through depression, mania, intrusive thoughts, and confusion.

The release of cortisol is also decreased which is very good because it has been found that a stressed person has an unusual amount of this hormone and is a contributor to diseases such as hypertension and heart problems.

6. Floatation Therapy as Biofeedback

As a living being, your body has hundreds of physiological functions that are involuntary and will continue to function with or without your conscious thought. Biofeedback starts by gaining awareness of the different physiological functions in our body and the parts that directly involved. Once you have gained that awareness, you may be able to gain control and manipulate them at will.

Biofeedback is a common therapeutic technique for migraines, chronic pains, stroke and accident survivors, and hypertension. It usually involves a contraption or device that will help you send electrical signals from the brain to the targeted parts until you are able to do it on your own. An isolation tank is one such contraption and could be the best one out there because it involves the whole body.

📌When you are in complete isolation, you can tune in to your body parts and recognize how they respond to certain floating meditation techniques such as paced breathing, deep breathing, or controlled movements. Since commanding your body to take over involuntary functions is a difficult feat without modern contraptions, floating therapy serves as a sort of training ground for physiological manipulation.

You can regulate your breathing which is beneficial for hypertension, chronic pain, and anxiety. You may also try some physical therapy tricks while in the water and weightless to target parts and limbs that have not been cooperating with your body due to an accident, deterioration, or disorders.

7. Floating Therapy Creates Homeostasis

External factors such as pollution, temperature, overstimulation, and lifestyle can put your body in a very unstable condition. Inside our body is an environment that is kept smoothly running by its own homeostasis.

Homeostasis is the series of body-regulating functions that adjusts everything to maintain your survival. If thrown off-balance, it could lead to illness and disease, or some other fatal condition.

Once in complete isolation inside the sensory deprivation chamber, your body will only adjust to its internal environment as there are no perceived external threats. This allows the body to immediately detect which parts need repair, and the rest is able to function in a relaxed internal environment.


Floating offers a number of health benefits for you. It can improve your physical, mental and emotional state. If you are seeking to improve yourself when it comes to calmness and creativity, this relaxation therapy is for you.

Now that you have learned about the benefits and what it does for your body, you can schedule your first float therapy session with great confidence that you will come out refreshed and rejuvenated. You can check more of our site for float tanks for sale and float tank cost.


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Oasis Float Tank Review: Simple, Affordable With Optional Add-Ons

Oasis Relaxation System is a simple and affordable float tank. On this page, we will be discussing its design, standard features, optional add-ons, and the price.

One of the more affordable home float tank for sale is the Oasis float tank, they have been around since 1984. The Oasis Relaxation System is a mid-range float tank system. It is self-contained float tank which makes it uncomplicated and easy to relocate.

The design is straight-forward and simple and may be favored by people on a budget and looking for an uncomplicated setup.

Oasis Tank Design

When I saw the Oasis water tank, I immediately noticed not only its similarities to the rectangular Samadhi tank but also its sloping roof. It has a large angular down-sloping dome for the roof setting it apart from other simple float tanks that look like a box.

Condensation often occurs in water storages, float tanks included. The water pools at the top part when there is no isolated heating for the roof or the ceiling does not slope for the water to trickle down.

If you are floating in serene, skin-temperature water, you would not want any distractions at all. Any condensation that forms at the top will not drip onto the water or the body, instead, it will slowly slide following the slope.

The top is double-layered and the walls are insulated with spray foam and given airspace. This is to prevent any noise and light seeping inside the tank and will also prevent heat from escaping.

There are adequate ventilation ducts for people who are worried that staying inside a tank will suffocate them.

The base or the tub is made of fiberglass and vinyl-lined on the inside. Even the shape of the tub is quite different from other sensory deprivation tanks because the wall is tapered. The reason for this design is to increase the floatation factor, therefore decreasing the need for Epsom salts.

The door is situated 22 inches above the ground and is slanting inwards making entry and exit very easy. It has bar handles above, on both sides, and on the door itself for balance and safety.

It has no additional plumbing or electrical wiring that has to be set up separately. But it has an intake and outlet pipe for people wishing to add something to the tank.

Standard Features

  • Oasis float tank dimensions:
    • Internal dimensions: 90” x 48” x 41”
    • Exterior dimensions: 99” x 56” x 45”
  • Pump and filter
  • 2 Solid State Heaters
  • Digital Electric Timer
  • Safety Grab Bars and Door Stop
  • One-year warranty

Optional Add-ons

  • 4 Internal Stereo Sounds Transducers ($500; additional speakers: $150/pair)
  • Ultraviolet Purification System (commercial: $1,200; residential: $750)
  • Replacement UV Bulbs ($110)
  • Digital Thermometer ($50)
  • Digital Timer ($75)
  • Electronic pH Tester ($100)
  • Control System (commercial models only, price available upon request)

Sensory Deprivation Tank Price

There is only one model for the Oasis float tank equipped with all the standard features mentioned above. A standard Oasis float tank costs $8,250. The price may go up once you choose to get their optional add-ons.

For example, an Oasis float tank with an audio system that comes with 4 internal stereo sounds transducers will cost you $8,750. That’s $500 more than the basic tank. If the customer wants to add a monitor, the screen and installation may cost a $1,000 more.

📌Crating and shipping charges vary depending on the add-ons that may need special packaging and the location of the buyer. Usually, it’s the buyer who arranges the shipping details and the cost of shipping within the US will run around $900-$1000 and the crating may cost $500. Shipping outside the country will definitely cost higher due location, brokers, and custom taxes.

Installation is totally up to the buyer, the tank comes with an installation manual. If you cannot install on your own, you may find a handyman or contractor familiar with pools or you may call Oasis for recommendations. Installation costs may vary depending on the rates of the installation man.


The Oasis float tank for sale is one of the tanks available that will give you the opportunity to save money continuously. People do not often realize that any appliance that is bought will need maintenance and other utilities to run efficiently.

With the Oasis float tank, you save money by using less Epsom salt and less electricity. In addition, you have the option to get the additional features you want while the Oasis float company makes sure that all the essential attributes are standard for each tank.

You may also check out our other Epsom salt float tank review for other brands and models within the site.

Other Sources:
Float tank therapy
Float tank cost


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Miyerkules, Enero 17, 2018

Zen Tank Review – Affordable Sensory Deprivation Tank

The Zen Float Tent is dubbed the as the world’s most affordable float tank. In this article, we will be discussing its design, standard features, optional add-ons, freebies and the price.

Zen Float Tent Design

The Zen Float Tent looks quite different from any other float tanks I have seen. When you personally see the setup, you will understand why it is the most affordable float tank there is. It is composed of a tub and a tent that covers the entirety of it.

📌You may be surprised to find out that the entirety of the Zen float tanks is made up of steel and canvas. True to its name, the steel frame and canvas are fitted together to create a tub on the base and a tent over it. The steel is made of non-corrosive, heavy duty stainless steel while the canvas is double-layered, waterproof and light-proof vinyl.

The shape of the tent is ideal to prevent the condensation from dripping into the floater or the water. The interior is pitch black due to the black color of the inner canvas and totally light-proof even with air vents and a door.

Due to the door being a flap, it can easily be entered and exited by the floater. The tub can accommodate a person up to 7.5 feet tall and 3.5 feet wide. The exterior of the tent is all white. The whole float tank only weighs a hundred pounds but it can easily handle 201 gallons of water, or approximately 10 inches of water.

The Zen float tank does not have any external wiring or plumbing system but it does have a built-in mechanical UV filtration system and a radiant heating control system. The radiant heating system is made up of heating pads that are placed throughout the tank.

The Zen Float Tent is designed in a way that users may be able to customize or add extra features all on their own if they wish without diminishing the quality and performance of the unit.

Standard Features

  • Dimensions: 96” x 48” x 64”
  • 201-gallon liquid capacity
  • 100-lb tent
  • Complete Mechanical UV Filtration System
  • Radiant Heating and Temperature Control System
  • Welded D-ring Hooks for towels or water bottles
  • 10-year Warranty for Manufacturer Defects
  • 1-year Warranty for Mechanical Parts Defect

There are only two models available now which is the North America model and the International model which cost the same. These are the only difference between them.

North America Model International Model
Measures 8’ x 4’ x 5.5’ Measures 7.87’ x 3.94’ x 5.31’
Runs on 120 V – 60 Hz Runs on 240 V – 50 Hz
Includes Ground Fault Circuit Breaker Does not include Ground Fault Circuit Breaker and Plugs


  • Inline Carbon Filter
  • Hydrometer
  • Ear Plugs
  • Filter Bags
  • 50 pH Test Strips
  • 8 oz. pH Up + 8 oz. pH Down
  • Underwater Headphones
  • Floater Joe’s Leave-In Hair Conditioner

Optional Add-ons

  • 850 lbs. of Epsom salt

Float Tank Price

A basic Zen Float tank package, whether international or for North America, only costs $1,940 including the freebies mentioned above. If you wish to get a better deal, you can avail of the Float Package available to North America only. This includes a year’s worth or 850 lbs. of Epsom salt.

The Zen float tank is easily collapsed and packaged in two boxes. Shipping may take around $100 to $1,000 depending on your location. It comes with an installation manual so that you may assemble it yourself.

If you add the cost of water, electricity and maintenance, you will be spending about $50 to $100 a year running your own home float tank.

  • Lightweight and easy to assemble and disassemble.
  • Most affordable of all ready-to-use float tanks.
  • Most cost-effective to run and maintain.
  • International model costs the same as US model.
  • Not soundproof
  • Not as solid as other float tanks
  • International model does not have all features needed to run the float tank right away.


The tank is clearly made for you if you have a tight budget and would like a float tank that is bare-bones basic. Owning a Zen float tank will let you recover the cost in a year’s worth of float sessions. I highly recommend this float tank review to you if you are looking for your first float tank.

You may also check out our other float tank reviews if you want to see the other brands that we highly recommend.



The post Zen Tank Review – Affordable Sensory Deprivation Tank appeared first on Float Tank.

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Lunes, Enero 15, 2018

5 Best Float Tank for Sale to Fit Every Budget

This article is a compilation of different float tank reviews to help you make an informed purchase when browsing for a sensory deprivation tank for sale. After reading this, you will be able to determine which float tank is best suited to your needs and budget.

Deciding to purchase your own home float tank is a giant financial leap that should take careful deliberation. After all, float tanks don’t come in the hundred dollar price range. Owning your own float tank is not only an investment on the actual tank itself but an investment in you and your family’s health.

Every cent will be worth it once you immerse yourself in in the Epsom salt water and start floating your worries and bad health away.

The Best Isolation Tank

You might want to check out the top 5 sensory deprivation tanks on the market right now. They are the most trusted brands even for commercial use. We made sure to highlight the best float tank for each budget range to give you an idea of what to expect from each brand.

This article is a compilation of different float tank reviews to help you make an informed purchase when browsing for a sensory deprivation tank for sale. After reading this, you will be able to determine which float tank is best suited to your needs and budget.

Deciding to purchase your own home float tank is a giant financial leap that should take careful deliberation. After all, float tanks don’t come in the hundred dollar price range. Owning your own float tank is not only an investment on the actual tank itself but an investment in you and your family’s health.

Every cent will be worth it once you immerse yourself in in the Epsom salt water and start floating your worries and bad health away.

The Best Isolation Tank

You might want to check out the top 5 sensory deprivation tanks on the market right now. They are the most trusted brands even for commercial use. We made sure to highlight the best float tank for each budget range to give you an idea of what to expect from each brand.

1. Evolution Float Pod by Superior Float Tanks

Looking like something out of a sci-fi movie, float pods are the top of their game when it comes to float tank design and features. Called pods because of their round shape, instead of the rectangular tanks we’ve gotten used to.

A very popular sensory deprivation tank for sale in the market is the Evolution Float Pod made by Superior Float Tanks. You may also have heard of them as the Genesis Float Tanks.

📌Evolution float tanks have a seamless design that prevents mold and mildew from forming in its parts while still allowing sufficient air flow during an ongoing float therapy session. This makes cleaning and maintaining the tank a breeze.

The pivoting lid or hatch also allows for easy removal if you want to inspect the base freely. I find this design not intimidating and it removes any discomfort when you enter the float tank.

The tanks are not only aesthetically pleasing but it is packed with impressive features. It is expensive but very worth it!

2. i-sopod Tanks

A sensory deprivation float pod that boasts of keeping to the standard of American and European safety guidelines is the isopod float tank.Personally, I think they are one of the most beautiful and spacious tanks available.

This tank is made of high-quality GRP moulding, a material that is manufactured by combining glass strands with thermoset. The materials used guarantees that the isopod float tank for sale is one of the most durable in the market.

It has three parts: the base, the door, and the top. The pod is hermetically sealed for sound and thermal insulation.

📌The pod is not only beautiful, it is cost-efficient and relatively easy to maintain. It has the most powerful filtration system among other float tanks with 1 micron filter that is even smaller than a strand of hair.

The company is the first to introduce Photocatalytic Oxidation sanitizer and Hydroxy Radicals in float pods to make sure that any water-borne organisms or organic matter will be completely eliminated.

3. Samadhi Tanks

The Samadhi tank takes a no-frills design and is in a familiar rectangular shape. The interior is completely black but a soft blue lighting is available for those who do not feel comfortable in total darkness. The tanks may be purchased in either a black or white exterior.

A Samadhi float tank for sale is made up of several alternating layers of soundproof material which they call their Sound Isolators. Another feature the Samadhi float tank is famous for is its heated ceiling that dries up any condensation.

📌However, the same feature also presents a disadvantage. It is annoying when the water condensation at the ceiling is not removed as it falls on your face and body causing a distraction during floating.

The tank may not have the most technologically advanced parts but that was made intentional. The appeal of having simple parts, such as the timer, is that it will be easier and cheaper when it inevitably needs replacement.

In addition, the brand designs to make its parts removable and usable no matter what model you use. If in the future you plan to upgrade to a higher model of Samadhi tank , you will be able to use the removable fixtures from your  previous Samadhi tank because they are all uniform.

Samadhi float tanks may look bulky and a pain to transport and move around the house, but this sensory deprivation chamber is made of lightweight panels that are fitted together. They can be disassembled should it not fit a door.

I would choose this tank if I move around a lot or if I have plans to renovate my home because it is easy to transport and store.

4. Oasis Relaxation System

The Oasis float tank is rectangular in shape with a large sloping angular dome allowing condensation to slide down the sides instead of pooling in the ceiling. The tub is made of fiberglass and the tank has a heavy duty vinyl liner.The roof is double layered and the walls are coated with insulation.

One of the best-selling points for an Oasis float tank for sale is that the walls are tapered which makes it require less Epsom salt while increasing the floatation factor.It has no additional plumbing or electrical wiring that has to be setup separately which makes it very basic.

Personally, I think that maintenance and other costs for floating per year are significantly reduced if you buy this instead of floating at floatation spas.

5. Zen Float Tent

Dubbed as the world’s most affordable float tank, Zen Float Tent looks quite different from the aforementioned tanks. It looks like a regular bathtub within a tent. It is very basic and made for home use only.

The Zen float tank does not eliminate sound or noise but it can reduce it. This is why it is recommended that the float tank be placed in a very quiet place. It has a filtration system and a temperature control system to run the heating pads that are all built to last.

📌The best part about purchasing a Zen Float is that it comes with its own freebies that are very useful to maintain the tank and water. These bonus add-ons are sure to make your floating experience at home better.

You can choose a package deal that already includes a year’s worth of Epsom salt. In my opinion, this makes the best starter float tank for home use.


No matter which float tank you choose, the brands that we have recommended are the best in the industry. In addition, they guarantee a safe floating experience for you and your family. Even if you want to consider a used float tank for sale, you may still look for these brands.

If you want to know more about each tank, you may check out our individual reviews. You may also check our article for nearby float spas.


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Float Therapy Reviews: Benefits, Cost And Tank Locations Near Me

Float therapy is a luxurious and effective way to de-stress and ease your mind and body. The process gives you the silence you need, so you can find your way back to your old self who is healthy, happy and peaceful.

Living in the most fast-paced generation the world has ever been, anxiety and stress can get the better of everyone. It is no wonder that more and more people are seeking out complementary and alternative therapies that would bring the focus back to holistic care and mental health.

Often mistaken as a new age technique, float tank therapy has been around for more than 60 years and it will not be disappearing anytime soon. It is one of the most reliable and best therapies that alternative medicine has to offer. The whole process involves isolation from elements within a sensory deprivation tank to give you the opportunity for complete calmness and relaxation.

If you haven’t tried a float spa yet, you will soon understand why you need one. Read on to understand why more and more people are choosing this relaxation treatment today.


What is Float Therapy?

Float therapy is a form of Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST). When a person has been bombarded with stimuli, the senses experience and overload that the brain cannot keep up with the process.

This results in irritation, anxiety, and stress. This can also lead to high blood pressure, mental disorders, overeating and obesity, among other things. When you are feeling any of these, you should consider a float pod therapy.This particular therapy is a luxurious way to soothe and heal your body from stress and pressure.

An isolation float tank, also known as a sensory deprivation chamber, is filled with 6 to 10 inches of clean water and 800-1000 pounds of Epsom salt. That is why some people also refer it to as Epsom salt float therapy. The water is warmed to skin temperature or around 34 to 35.5 degrees Celsius.

Once the tank is set up and ready, you may put on your earbuds and enter the tank naked. It is highly recommended to fully close the hatch of the door behind you to block out the light and sounds from the world outside. You may start to float from there on.

Float Therapy Benefits

Indulging in an hour of floatation therapy will give your body a myriad of benefits. One of the best float therapy benefits that you will experience is the effects of weightlessness in a zero gravity tank environment. The brain is freed from balancing your body constantly to keep up with the pull of gravity while also processing all external stimuli, thus freeing it from 90% percent of activity.

The brain is then able to focus inwards. You start to feel the effects only achieved through advanced meditation without much effort. This state of mind is optimal for introspection, creativity, problem-solving, and learning. It will continue days after your session.

The sense of calm enables the pituitary glands to release what we call the “happy” hormones. The release of cortisol and adrenaline is regulated. This is a lot of help for people suffering from mental disorders, pain, and hypertension.

📌Your body’s internal environment starts to stabilize and allows itself to heal the parts that need attention. If there are parts that cannot be healed within a single session, the body adjusts to it so that it may continue to run at the best possible scenario despite the circumstance. People with degenerative diseases will have hope of feeling better.

Float therapy offers a lot of benefits. It helps improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

How Does Float Therapy Work?

It is natural for people to lie down and curl up in a ball to feel a sense of comfort and security. This stems back from our time in our mother’s womb, where we are curled up and floated in amniotic fluid. When you float in a water tank, you experience this same sense of calmness without the distraction of the external world.

Barring all stimuli and gravity, 90% of the brain’s activity is dropped and it can now freely focus inwardly. Once a person is partially submerged and loses contact with the outside world, the brain is temporarily startled due to the lack of stimulants. This is why for the first few minutes, you may experience a state of panic and confusion but the mind is quick to adapt and will begin to generate stimulation from within.

From the state of Alpha waves, the brain is further relaxed into the state of Theta waves. Alpha waves are the frequency the brain works at during our waking moments when the brain is relaxed but isn’t processing any information. Theta waves are achieved during light sleep or very extreme relaxation; and are commonly used for hypnosis and self-programming.

You may experience some pleasant hallucinations from the activity that your brain is generating. Some examples are calming music and dancing lights. You may also start dreaming or recalling pleasant memories. Due to the weightlessness of the body and nothing that can be touched, you may lose a sense of where your limbs are.

This method of relaxation allows you to boost your creativity and engage in a deep meditative state, regardless of your deep meditation experience. In addition, it can enhance your concentration, improve your sleeping patterns and aid your phobias and addictions.

Once the mind and body are completely relaxed, the brain is able to fully sync which each of its physiological layers. The pituitary gland is able to release a good amount of dopamine and endorphins. The body’s internal environment or homeostasis finds the perfect balance and lets all the organs work in harmony.

Float Therapy Reviews

Every one of us wants a feel-good experience, do you agree? That’s exactly what you will get after an Epsom salt float therapy. In fact, there are a number of positive reviews about this and you are about to read some of it below.

Pretty sure the good reviews have piqued your interest. Don’t worry because we will help you find the float spa therapy centers near you and give you an overview how much is float therapy.

Float Therapy Cost

In 2011, there were only 85 listed float centers in the US. It skyrocketed to more than 300 by the year 2015 when people accepted and experienced the benefits of floating therapy. This caused the price of float therapy to go down in places that have more centers and spas dedicated to floating.

The cost of float tank therapy per session depends on the facility you visit and the duration. Most spas offer discounts from 20% to 50% off of the price of their first float. The succeeding regular sessions may run about $30 to $150 each. Once you decide that float therapy is for you, you may even avail of a spa membership to get highly discounted prices for the year or for a lifetime.

Float Therapy Locations Near Me

You are most probably already asking yourself this question, “is there a float therapy spa near me?”

Don’t worry because float spas and float centers have popped up all over the United States and you may even have more than one in your hometown! In fact, due to the growth of float therapy centers, they are competing for lesser prices and better facilities.

However, there are a few states that floating therapy have not officially penetrated to date. These are Delaware, Mississipi, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Wyoming. Travelling to the next state can be arranged personally.

For those looking for the nearest float spa, you can check our float tank therapy near me page.

In case you want to float at home than travel in another state, setting up your home float tank is possible. There are already a lot of DIY float tanks to date.


By trying out float tank therapy, you will be opening yourself up to a whole world of benefits that you have not previously experienced. Floating in a pod filled with saltwater and void of any stressors will allow your body and mind more freedom.

📌If you find that you are not getting optimal results from your current routine, you should try saltwater meditation tanks. Our bodies do not have replaceable parts and they can only regenerate at a limited rate, it is best to take care of it now. As they say, prevention is better than cure.

Why would you deprive yourself the chance of getting the best care there is when it is already available? Invest in the quality of your life now, try float therapy!


The post Float Therapy Reviews: Benefits, Cost And Tank Locations Near Me appeared first on Float Tank.

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